Laziness of teenagers. What to do?

Laziness of teenagers. What to do?

It’s hard to say when laziness begins. It certainly never ends. And if in adulthood it falls under different patterns of procrastination, they begin to work on it, practicing methods to improve the effectiveness of time management, then with adolescence it is more complicated.

 The causes of laziness in adolescents can be different:

  • School overload
  • Health problems
  • Different pace of life and temperament among different teenagers

    The erroneous actions of the parents, who, for their part, “want to do the best,” “so that the child grows up as a normal person,” and “go too far” on the part of the other parent and even more so the child:

  • Scream
  • Apply physical punishment
  • Waiting for the ideal
    Let's go back to the origins. The manifestation of independence in a child begins at the age of 3 years. He is the period "I myself", he is also the "Crisis of 3 years."

    The three is not only a sacred number in many teachings and religious directions. It even for atheist parents and everyone who is not particularly interested in numerology runs a red thread from the very beginning:
 - the first serious prenatal screening of 3 months (and then every 3 months), when the excitement from the presence of developmental pathologies in the results of ultrasound is off-scale;
- the gestation period is 3x3 months;
- colic, starting on average from 3 weeks and lasting up to 3 months;
- as soon as colic ends, teeth begin to erupt at 3 months;
- crises of 3, 6, 12, 18 years.