Daily planner

Daily planner

I share with you my personal planner for the day.

How it suits me, and you may like it:

  1. TOP 3 PRIORITIES - you set 3 main priorities for the day. Based on goals for the week. Focus on them first.
  2. REWARD - if you have completed 3 priorities, indicate the reward that you allow yourself in this case.
  3. GOOD THINGS OF TODAY - here may be the main event of the day or something useful done that makes your life a bit better.
  4. VOW is a gais. The section is familiar to those who studied on the course “Brilliant Year”. This is a promise or ritual action that you make daily to receive from life that which is difficult to achieve in the usual way. For those who are not familiar with the topic, an exercise in developing willpower.
  5. MOOD - fix your mood. The diary of such entries shows whether you are a cyclical person, whether crises are repeated after some time, whether there is any pattern in your mood at all.
  6. SPORT - daily exercises. I included the current ones from my set (stretching, meditation, abs, Surya Namaskar). You respectively draw or write your own complex.
  7. WATER - there are no comments at all. How much water you drank.
  8. @, tel, HB - notes that you need someone to write an email, make a call or wish a happy birthday.
  9. TO DO - the actual task list for today.
  10. IDEAS - insights that visit you throughout the day. A leaf at hand is always a step towards progress.
  11. EXTRA - things that fall on you in excess of the plan. You can postpone, delegate, execute immediately, at least somehow. But you definitely won’t lose them.
  12. YEAR - your plans for the year. Their daily observation allows you to stray from focus.
  13. MONTH - plans for the month.
  14. WEEK - plans for the week.

P.S. Personally, I upload the plans for the year, month, and week right into the printable sheet template. You can create 3 columns in Word in the lower third of the sheet and print them as on a form.

Use it! To your health!