

111 days have passed since goals were set for 2020.

Time to look back at what has already been done.

Save the post and share in the comments what distracted you these days from your priorities.

Check-list is:

1. Look at your goals.

 2. Cross out already done.

 3. Mark brightly % of the completed (as grades in American education).

 4. Write frankly what prevented you from achieving what you planned.

 5.Create a strategy based on weaknesses.

 6. Especially note those goals that are in the vector of your annual goals, but because of p.4 they were left overboard.  If this is repeated in the next checkpoint of the analysis, then noise routine tasks will lead you away from the main goal.

 7. Rewrite the goals for the next quarter and prioritize the goals from p.6

 8. Take the first step for each goal right now!



I want to share with you a parable:

“Once a traveler was walking along Mount Olympus, he saw a philosopher sitting on the road. He asked him:“ O great Socrates, how do I get to the top of Olympus? ”To which the philosopher answered him:“ Take every step you take was towards the top. "

An analytical checklist will help you keep the desired vector to its top. Use it more often.


#asviplus #coaching #psychologist #goals #goals #goals2020 #results #outcomesyear #goalsetting #success #motivation #development #alemaevanna #2020 #alemaeva #analysis #checklist #checklistfree