Pros of Retrograde
If you believe astrology and what is happening not only at the level of your eyes matters, then you already know about the period of retrograde Mercury that begins today.
This year this corridor will be three times:
02/17-19/03, 06/18-12/07, 10/14-03/11
Well, if you are a skeptic, scientist, and consider it all a quackery, then for you this period is just a great chance to get to grips with the suitcase of “procrastination”.
As usual, we come together during important periods of power to help each other push dams towards your goals.
And now the current corridor will help us to complete the earlier begun affairs, to put in order the chaos in projects and tasks, to correct mistakes and, the process most beloved among our girls, to understand toxic personal relationships. So...
We write out today in a notebook (tablet, piece of paper) everything that you want to work out, finalize and complete in these 23 days!