16 online schools for family education

16 online schools for family education

Well, you still have to leave the house, this applies to passing the certification of State Examination in the 9th grade and the Unified State Examination in the 11th grade, and more on that.

     To date, our legislation does not provide for the mandatory annual certification of a student. At the request of the student and parents, he may not pass this certification at all. But if a certificate is required to enter secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, then you will have to pass 2 mandatory certifications, as mentioned above in grades 9 and 11. That’s all for now, although laws change frequently and it’s not known whether such a situation will exist for all 11 years.

    But most parents, choosing a family education, are still inclined to attach themselves to an educational institution, connect to an educational platform and keep the pace of study.

Here is a list of platforms on which a child can get an education without leaving home:

1. Educational portal "Infourok" https://infourok.ru/

2. Foxford https://foxford.ru

3. External office https://extern-office.net/

4. Private school "TsODIV" https://codiv.ru/

5. School Express http://express-externat.spb.ru

6. School N.I. Lobachevsky https://externlobach.ru/

7. School "Our Penates" http://distnashipenati.ru/

8. Online school http://odoportal.ru/

9. Network School EUK-2 https://www.school-euk2.com/

10. School of tomorrow http://www.schooloftomorrow.ru/

11. Online School No. 1 https://online-school-1.ru

12. Online School BIT https://school.mob-edu.ru/

13. Online Lyceum №1 http://online-licey.ru

14. Online Gymnasium No. 1 http: //online- gymnasium.rf

15. Home School of the Republican School of Higher School of Education https://dom-shkola.ru/

16. Lyceum Stolichny http://lstol.ru/


    In addition to family education, there is a correspondence form of training when a student passes certification within the walls of an educational institution. Here, parents with children choose the option that is convenient for them.